Trustee Fees
Professional Fiduciary hourly rate range* $190 – $240 per hour
**Support Staff hourly rate range $55 – $85 per hour
*For post-mortem trust administrations, fees may also be determined as a % of total value of trust assets.
Agent Under Power of Attorney
Professional Fiduciary hourly rate range $190 – $240 per hour
**Support Staff hourly rate range $55 – $85 per hour
Probate Administration Fees
Fees payable to the Professional Fiduciary as the Personal Representative for customary services are authorized under Probate Code §10810 and, pursuant to Probate Code §10810 are computed on a fee base comprised of gross assets, plus receipts and gains, less losses, as follows:
- 4% of the first $100,000
- 3% of the next $100,000
- 2% of the next $800,000
- 1% of the next $9,000,000
- 0.5% of the next $15,000,000
- Court discretion after $25,000,000
In addition to statutory fees, pursuant to Probate Code §10811, extraordinary fees can be requested for services such as, but not limited to, tax issues, real property sales and litigation. Though fees for extraordinary services are subject to court approval, extraordinary services are charged at the following hourly rates:
Professional Fiduciary hourly rate range $190 – $240 per hour
Other Services
Bookkeeping Services (existing Clients) $85 per hour
Accounting Services (Estate and Trust Accountings) $190 per hour or flat fee arrangement
Consulting Services (Estate and Trust matters) $190 per hour
Tax Services (Estate and Gift Tax) $265 per hour or flat fee arrangement
**Support Staff hourly rate range $55 – $85 per hour
**Professional Fiduciary shall utilize Support Staff for general administrative tasks as needed.